Calvin Jackson

Calvin Jackson S.E.

Senior Project Engineer

Calvin is Meticulous and likes to do things right the 1st time. He is a determined and resolute in his ability to apply laser focus to get any job done. Calvin is unique in that he has both this ability to focus as well as the ability to delegate and keep others well-informed in the process. He is cool under pressure and an irreplaceable member of our team.

What co-workers have to say about Calvin:

“Calvin is a supportive Team Player. A person who assigns tasks, checks in thoughtfully, provides necessary resources, and offers helpful tips."

"Calvin is Quiet and strong, Calvin works hard and knows his stuff, he’s one of the first people I go to bounce ideas off.”

Greatest Accomplishments:

  • Personally: My greatest personal accomplishment in life is my children.
  • Professionally: Successfully passing the SE exam and obtaining my license.
  • Biggest Pet Peeve: When something is not done correctly.
  • Childhood Dream: Superhero of course.
Calvin Jackson
Joined Culp & Tanner in 2006
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